We are well organized.

We are backed by 223 freight forwarders and DB Cargo AG in an equal partnership. The close cooperation with DB Cargo AG ensures an optimal integration of production know-how on the one hand and market and product know-how on the other. The interaction, the personal basis and a close relationship with the shareholders and customers make up our expertise. 

Our management Board.
Heiko Krebs
Managing Director

Business areas: Production, Network Management, IT, Human Resources and Investments

Heiko Krebs was born in Rostock in 1966. After completing his training as a company railwayman, he studied at the Dresden University of Transport from 1986 to 1991. He graduated with a degree in transportation engineering and logistics. Heiko Krebs has been working for Kombiverkehr KG since 1991, initially as an employee in terminal operations until he was appointed Head of Production in 1996. He was granted power of attorney in 2001. During his time at Kombiverkehr, Heiko Krebs took on the position of Managing Director at several subsidiaries, such as Kombiverkehr Intermodal Services AG in Basel and Rostock Trimodal GmbH. He has been Managing Director of Kombiverkehr KG since April 2023 and is responsible for production, network management, IT, human resources and investments.

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Armin Riedl
Managing Director

Business areas: Sales, Finance, Controlling, Technology, Corporate Communications, Investments and Political Affairs

Armin Riedl was born in Wetzlar in 1961. After graduating from high school and completing two years of service in the German Armed Forces, Armin Riedl began studying economics, specializing in transport economics, marketing and finance, which he completed in 1989 with a degree in business administration. At the beginning of 1990, he joined Kombiverkehr, Deutsche Gesellschaft für kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH, Frankfurt, as assistant to the management and was subsequently responsible for human resources, administration and IT. He has been Managing Director of Kombiverkehr since 1993 and is now responsible for sales, finance, controlling, technology, corporate communications, shareholdings and political affairs. He has also been Managing Director of Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH in Munich since January 2000. 

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Our Administrative Board.

The Administrative Board consists of members of DB Cargo AG and elected representatives of the freight forwarders and transport companies registered as limited partners. Voting is based on parity, i.e. the representatives of the freight forwarders and DB Cargo AG each have 50 percent of the votes en bloc. The duties of the Administrative Board essentially correspond to those of a supervisory board of a stock corporation. It determines the criteria for corporate policy, approves extraordinary business transactions and monitors the activities of the management.

Ulrich Maixner
Chairman of the Administrative Board of the partnership

Director Intermodal Europe Domestic, Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition

The members of the Administrative Board:

  • Ulrich Maixner (Chairman), Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition
  • Pierre Timmermans (Deputy Chairman), DB Cargo AG
  • Kai-Jörg Bode, Spedition Bode GmbH & Co. KG
  • Christian Cornelius, Anhalt Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
  • Georg Dettendorfer, Johann Dettendorfer Spedition Ferntrans GmbH & Co. KG
  • Ralf Günter Kloß, DB Cargo AG
  • Ueli Maurer, Bertschi AG
  • Michael Schaaf, Bay Logistik GmbH + Co. KG
  • Sonja Stich, Karl Schmidt Spedition GmbH & Co. KG
Our working groups.

We score highly in terms of market proximity, as our working groups and advisory board are made up of freight forwarders and transport companies. The working groups advise the management and the Board of Directors on the topics in their respective areas of responsibility. Together, we are involved in the "Transport", "IT" and "Technology" working groups.

Transport Working Group
  • Stev Etzrodt (Chairman), Spedition Bode GmbH & Co. KG, Reinfeld
  • Frank Caspers, Alfred Talke GmbH & Co. KG, Hürth
  • Johannes Keitel, Keitel Spedition, Bau- und Rohstoffgroßhandel GmbH & Co. KG, Geslau
  • Michael Kirschner, Lanfer Transporte GmbH & Co. KG, Meppen
  • Michael Koch, Bertschi AG, Dürrenäsch
  • Konstantin Kubenz, Kube & Kubenz Internationale Speditions- und Logistikgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
  • Gert Laurijssens, Bruhn Spedition GmbH, Lübeck
  • Simon Löblein, Löblein Transport GmbH, Schillingsfürst
  • Torben Lohse, Hoyer GmbH, Hamburg
  • Ralf Ossenbühl, Transco Mainsped GmbH, Rüsselsheim
  • Benedikt Roßmann, Spedition Ansorge GmbH & Co. KG, Biessenhofen
  • Michael Roth, Rinnen GmbH & Co. KG Internationale Spedition, Moers
  • Michael Schaaf, Bay Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, Waiblingen
  • Markus Thoma, Karl Schmidt Spedition GmbH & Co. KG, Heilbronn
  • Frans Tutuhatunewa, Den Hartogh Liquid Logistics B.V., Rotterdam
  • Günther Wiesinger, LKW Walter Internationale Transportorganisation AG, Kufstein


IT Working Group
  • Christian Cornelius (Chairman), Anhalt Logostics GmbH & Co. KG, Rehm-Flehde-Bargen
  • Guido Blömer, Paneuropa Transport GmbH, Bakum
  • Michael Frein, Curt Richter SE, Köln
  • Markus Friedlein, Löblein Transport GmbH, Schillingsfürst
  • Michael Mehlhorn, Rinnen GmbH & Co. KG Internationale Spedition, Moers
  • Stephan Pfeiffer, Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition, Hamburg
  • Thomas Schmidt, Karl Schmidt Spedition GmbH & Co., Heilbronn
  • Thomas Wagschal, Duvenbeck Consulting GmbH & Co. KG, Bocholt
Technology Working Group
  • Gregor Athens (Chairman), Winner Spedition GmbH & Co. KG, Iserlohn
  • Kerstin Corvers, KombiRail Europe B.V., Rotterdam
  • Christoph Hruschka, Lokomotion GmbH, München
  • Paul Löblein, Löblein Transport GmbH, Schillingsfürst
  • Libor Nogly, VTG Rail Europe GmbH, Hamburg
  • Harald Rotter, IGS Intermodal Container Logostics GmbH, Hamburg
  • Gerhard Papenbrock, Fahrzeugwerk Bernard Krone GmbH & Co. KG, Werlte
  • Roger Schwarz, Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung e. V., Frankfurt am Main
  • Uwe Sondermann, KombiConsult GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
  • Alexander Stern, Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Straße (DUSS) mbH, Bodenheim
  • Bernd Thiede, Schmitz Cargobull Gotha GmbH, Gotha
  • Eric Weyand, Paneuropa Transport GmbH, Bakum
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