Press Releases 2024
News 1-8 of 8
2024/07/24 | Services
Kombiverkehr KG launches new service between Antwerp and Madrid
Kombiverkehr KG is expanding its European intermodal network with a new service between Belgium and Spain. The first train to run on the Atlantic route between Antwerp Combinant and Madrid Abronigal will depart on 3 September 2024.Read more
2024/06/20 | Company
Kombiverkehr KG senses German government turning its back on climate protection in transport sector
Despite announcements to the contrary, the German government is continuing to move away from its climate protection targets in the transport sector. This is being felt particularly by railways and Combined Transport, as the management of Kombiverkehr KG explained when delivering its results for the 2023 financial year. Read more
2024/05/23 | Services
MBOX Terminals DOO and Kombiverkehr KG cooperate on the connection between Niš and Wels
The Serbian terminal operator and combined transport provider MBOX Terminals DOO and Frankfurt-based Kombiverkehr KG are cooperating with immediate effect on the connection between Niš in Serbia and Wels in Austria. Read more
2024/04/16 | Company
New data interface between RNE TIS and CT4.0 goes into operation
As part of the EU's EDICT (Enhanced Data Interoperability for Combined Transport stakeholders) project, Kombiverkehr KG along with other project partners has put into operation a new data interface between the Train Information System (TIS) of European rail infrastructure operators and the CT4.0 data hub.Read more
2024/03/05 | Services
Kombiverkehr KG launches new Rotterdam RSC – Köln-Eifeltor v.v. service
Kombiverkehr KG is expanding its range of services between Germany and the Netherlands with a new train between Rotterdam and Cologne-Eifeltor.Read more
2024/02/23 | Company
Seizing the opportunity for a level playing field for modes of transport
Kombiverkehr KG closed the 2023 financial year with a total of 815,467 truck shipments or 1.63 million TEU, which were shifted from road to climate-friendly rail.Read more
2024/02/14 | Company
Ulrich Maixner new Chairman of Administrative Board of Kombiverkehr KG
Ulrich Maixner (55), Director Intermodal Europe Domestic at HOYER GmbH Internationale Fachspedition, was elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors by the freight forwarding representatives. Maixner has been a member of the board at the Frankfurt-based company since 2020.Read more
2024/01/08 | Services
Kombiverkehr KG increases departure frequency on services to Turkey and Greece
Kombiverkehr KG has been offering its forwarding and logistics customers greater flexibility in the scheduling of their intermodal transports with Turkey and Greece since the beginning of January. The company increased the departure frequency on the Munich - Trieste v.v. route from three to five weekly round trips.Read more

About Kombiverkehr GmbH & Co. KG
Founded in 1969, Kombiverkehr Deutsche Gesellschaft für kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH & Co KG develops, organises and markets an international rail network in intermodal transport that offers forwarders and transport companies an intelligent combination of the advantages of road, rail and ship. Kombiverkehr provides over 170 train departures with more than 15,000 connections for the cost-effective, secure and environmentally friendly transport of freight across Europe every night. The limited partnership is owned by some 230 national and international forwarders and transport companies as well as DB Cargo AG. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, the company shifted a total of 815,467 million truck consignments (1.63 million TEU) from road to rail in 2023, saving the environment over one million tonnes of harmful carbon dioxide emissions. The 150 employees achieved sales of EUR 435.2 million.


Press contact 

Jan Weiser, Head of Corporate Communications
Phone +49 69/7 95 05-1 42, e-mail [email protected]