Heiko Krebs joins the management team of Kombiverkehr KG

(Frankfurt am Main, 12 April 2023) Kombiverkehr KG will have a second managing director again on 13 April 2023. Heiko Krebs (56), an authorised officer of the company’s Operations department, has been appointed managing director by the Administrative Board. Within the management team he will share the duties with Armin Riedl. The addition of a managing director also entails a reallocation of responsibilities for the various business areas. Krebs will be responsible for the operations and network control, IT and human resources portfolios, while Riedl will oversee sales, finance, controlling, corporate communications and policy matters.

“Heiko Krebs is an experienced and extremely adept CT expert who is held in very high regard both by his colleagues and by external business partners. Over his time at Kombiverkehr he has driven operational and digital projects to a successful conclusion. That's why we're convinced that his specialist expertise and his personality will enable him to take the company forward as it tackles the challenges it faces today and in the future.”, says Hermann Lanfer, chairman of the Administrative Board of Kombiverkehr KG.

Heiko Krebs qualified as a railwayman at Deutsche Reichsbahn, the state system in the former East Germany. He studied transport engineering at the Transport College in Dresden from 1986 to 1991 before joining the Frankfurt operator in 1991. He took charge of Operations in 1996 and was appointed an authorised officer in 2001. Heiko Krebs has been very closely associated with the expansion of terminal investments and the reorganisation, digitalisation and automation of order processing and network optimisation at Kombiverkehr. 

Heiko Krebs (56) was appointed managing director by the Administrative Board of Kombiverkehr KG. He will take on his new role on 13 April 2023.

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